002 - Less is more. Or less
What up friends. Welcome to my second bloggish type typing. It’s been how many months since you heard from me last? Quite a few. As much as I enjoy the therapy of archiving my thoughts I’d say bloggish type things rank somewhere near the bottom of my Super Important Things to Get Done list. On the bright side though I told you I wouldn’t be another annoying email blaster. Word kept. Who has that kind of time anyhow? We’re all busy AF so let’s keep this real and real tight. Less is more right. Right. Or less.
I love minimalist design. No arguing that when it’s done right it’s art in one of its purest forms. Mies knew WTF he was doing & over the decades since his proclamation a select few have harnessed the concept with inspiring appropriation. You gotta respect the true purists. It’s a tough life. I know a few who I admire & I know a few who at least fancy themselves as admirable. The former are probably reading this. The latter probably couldn’t be bothered. Fancy pants.
I like nice things but wouldn’t quite call myself fancy or much of a purist. I hold tight to plenty of pure convictions but I think when I — you — me — us — we — them — all of us let our cool kid avant-garde guard down & be real with ourselves, most of us could agree that at some point minimalist design starts to feel a little anti-magnetic. Especially at home. I want my home to pull me in & I want it to welcome my guests to make it their own for a few minutes. Hours? Days? It’s all the same. Come on in. Mi casa tu blah blah blah.
No doubt minimalist leans are plenty nice at the right time in the right place but at home I need a little extra. Yeah less is more & all that Miesy stuff but at home, less usually leaves more to be desired. You want to live in a museum where you’re on security detail every time your nieces & nephews come over? I don’t. Let them tear shit up. Except my plants. Hands off the foliage monster children. Other than that I’ve got a legit sling shot at arm's length of any youth gone wild willing to seek it out. Let’s party kid. You ever sling shotted an ice cube? My niece once launched one clear over my neighbors house. We still pretend it never landed. No one called the cops so party on. Less is more. Or less.